George Vondriska

Make Quality Doors Session 8: Class Summary

George Vondriska
Duration:   1 mins


Many approaches to door making are covered in this class, designed to help you with tooling, set ups and techniques that work for you. Make some practice doors, perhaps for cabinets in your shop, and you’ll be ready to produce a room full of doors in no time.

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I really love how this cathedral raised panel door came out. Hopefully, coming out of this class, you've got a greater comfort level with making doors like this, plus all the different stuff that we did, bead board, small-scale doors, half-lap rabbeted doors, adjusting your router bits to make sure they're a perfect fit, and a really important thing, understanding that formula to make sure you get your door parts cut to just the right size. Like I always say, it's all about practice and then some practice and then some practice. Make sure that you're working on these skills before you need 'em for a project, so when you do need 'em for a project, this class has given you the skills you need so that those project parts come out just right. Thanks for taking the class.

Love teaching you guys this stuff.

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