Using the Kreg Crosscut Station for Accurate Cuts
George VondriskaDescription
Cut indicator
After setting up the Kreg Crosscut Station you’ll place your saw on the metal rails and make a cut, going through the two fences on the station. The kerfs that are now in the fences give you a perfect line of cut indicator, showing you the exact position of the saw blade. All you have to do is put a mark near the edge of your stock, showing where you want to make the cut, align the mark with the kerf in the fence, and you’re ready to go. No fiddling trying to align the mark with your saw blade.
Angles, too
The Kreg Crosscut Station works great for 90-degree cuts, and, with the addition of a fence, also allows you to do cuts up to 45-degrees.
The station has support wings that fold in when you’re not using them, and fold out to provide support for long pieces. The pucks on the ends of the foldable wings can be removed and positioned anywhere you need them to support longer pieces. The jig also has hold-down clamps, and they do a great job of securing your material.
This is a very handy tool for accurate crosscuts in and out of your shop.
Kreg has also introduced new pocket hole jigs, and they’re definitely worth a look.
More info
For more information on Kreg products visit the company’s website.
Kreg has done a really nice job putting together this Crosscut Station, giving you a lot of capabilities of a sliding miter saw, but using your circular saw. Once it's set up, one of the first things that's gonna happen is, you're gonna run your circ saw through the jig. So when you look at this now, there's a cut in here. That was made by this saw with this blade. That creates a line of cut indicator.
So what's cool for accuracy about that is that when we have a piece that we want to cut, we can slide it into the jig. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. Until the pencil line aligns with that curf, the cut in the fence. That shows us exactly where the blade is. That's what gives us accuracy.
Now, we've got a long board here. So the other thing that can happen is, we can flip these wings out in order to provide support. Take that one step further. You can take the pods off the end of the wings. Move those out to get even more support.
Here's the way this is gonna come together. With this board. Slip it in. Do the alignment here. Then we can also take advantage of these clamps to hold that in place.
The tracks guide the circ saw, you don't have to steer. And we're right on that pencil line. Crosscut capacity is 12 inches. Same concept. Pencil line, curf in the fence.
This is a big oak stair tread Easy peasy. Then, we don't always wanna be square, even though it's hip to be square. So we can add a fence. There are angles that are marked out right on the jig. And that also lets us know the angles.
So, very compact. And even if you've got a sliding miter saw, when you're taking your show on the road and you're working away from your shop, we can snap, and snap. And of course, our clamps can live there. So that whole device can go with you. Like I said, Kreg did a nice job with that little Crosscut Station.
Should show using safety googles or face shield.
Good job George. That’s a cool little jig. I wish I’d had it a few years ago. It’s a nice addition to a circular saw. I have a big worm drive beast… I wonder how it would adapt. It’s awfully healthy and and torques a lot, as I’m sure you know.