George Vondriska

Getting Wobble-Free Chair Legs

George Vondriska
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Duration:   6  mins

George Vondriska shows you how to get your chair legs wobble-free. A WoodWorkers Guild of America (WWGOA) original video.

Level provided by Level Best2.

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4 Responses to “Getting Wobble-Free Chair Legs”

  1. Vern Frier

    I reglue chairs for a living. I always level each chair after the clamps come off. I've probably leveled 5000 or more chairs. The table being level has nothing to do with this. It's just adding way too much to the job. Cutting all 4 legs is also a big waste of time. When cutting 4 legs you're going to mess up once in a while and you'll keep cutting to fix the mistake and end up with a very short chair. All I ever do is take a good sharp rasp and cut off one leg. DONE! Check out my facebook page Frier Furniture Fixup or

  2. TerryDB

    You do realize that the time spent leveling the bench was useless, right? The bench doesn't need to be level with the earth, it just needs to be flat. Oh, I suppose it helps if the bench isn't so tilted that the chair slides off, but there is no reason at all that either the bench or the chair frame needs to be at right angles to the center of the earth. That was all just wasted motion.

  3. Ben Ball

    Hat? We were supposed to get a hat???

  4. robert limardo

    hi George, never got my fee hat as a premium member. thank you

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