Using Carbide Lathe Chisels on Solid Surface Materials
George VondriskaDescription
There's a lot of talk in the woodworking marketplace these days, about carbide tipped lathe chisels and I have got an absolutely wonderful application for 'em, right here. This is a bowl I'm turning out of solid surface countertop material. So it was laminated up from four pieces of this stuff, four half-inch thick pieces in order to get this deep slab. Solid surface material is incredibly hard. So, even my high speed steel chisels would be sharpened very, very frequently on this project.
This carbide lathe chisel is doing a great job of standing up to the solid surface. Obviously a really, really good choice for anything that's abrasive to your lathe chisels, like solid surface material that I'm working with here. So, just wanted to point out that, if you're in the market for lathe chisels, if you're considering what chisels you should buy, if you think you're turning is gonna take you down a road where you're working with materials like this, you really can't beat the work that can be done for you by these carbide tipped lathe chisels. So, I'm gonna get back at it here, finish cutting the inside of my bowl. Cut quality is great, speed of cutting is great, really happy with how this thing is working for me.
What did you use to Glue the Corian countertop together?
What exactly was the "solid surface material" that you were turning and how did you laminate it up - what kind of adhesive was used between the layers?