How to Make Your Own Aerosol Spray
George VondriskaDescription
Here's a great way that you can spray a project, especially if you have a touch up or something small to do where you don't have an aerosol can available. You don't wanna load up a spray gun. This self-contained unit is a great way to do this. So here's what we've got here. We've got a power unit.
The power units got compressed air in it, jar below I can put any finish I want, and I'm spraying water here so that I don't have to wear a mask while I'm doing this. Put the power unit onto the jar. We're ready to spray. Now this is pretty cool. And I've used this myself a bunch of times where I do a big spring project.
I've got all the finish done and then I noticed some tiny blemish and rather than load up my spray gun it's much easier to put some finish in here shoot it. Now, cleaning is easy after I'm done I'll take the finish out, put solvent in here run solvent through just by spraying it. That's gonna get the nozzle clean. This is gonna be all set to go for the next time I need it. When this runs out replacement power units are available.
They're inexpensive. So this is a forever thing. You can just keep replacing the power units and you'll have this in your shop available to use all the time. When you get to thicker liquids, like a paint. What you're probably gonna find is that you have to thin them a little bit.
Go ahead and pour it in there full power. Give it a try if it's not pulling it up through the feeder down here thin that product just a little bit, but I found that most woodworking topcoats polyurethane, lacquer, chillax. You can pour those in spray them just the way they come out of the can. This is a great thing to know about great thing to have in your back pocket for small projects or for repairs.
This is new for me. Looks great. I'll have a look at Amazon first and then I'll ask my local shop if they have something like that.
I ordered the Preval Val-Pack from Amazon !
Hey there. What exactly is this contraption called? I'll go look it up online to see where i can get some, prontissimo. Thanks in advance. Keep up the great work!