Cutting Brass on Your CNC Machine
George VondriskaDescription
Cutting brass on a CNC is no more difficult that cutting plywood, but there are a few tips for programming your CNC machine that you might need. Also, to better deal with the characteristics of material, there are some important adjustments that must be made to the CNC in order to work properly with brass:
Choose the right bit. The ideal bit for cutting brass is called an ‘O’ flute bit. For detailed work it is smart to work with a smaller radius bit to allow you to produce tight inside corners.
Speeds and feeds. You’ll want to slow down the feed rate compared to cutting plywood to produce better cut quality and for safety reasons. The G-Wizard feed and speed calculator is very helpful.
Depth of cut. Compared to cutting wood, you’ll want to take much lighter passes when cutting brass to reduce the stress that will be placed on the bit.
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