George Vondriska

What You Can Do On a Drum Sander

George Vondriska
Duration:   11  mins


Over the years I’ve been asked about drum sanders MANY times. Here’s an opportunity to see what a drum sander can do for you, and learn about the differences between drum sanders and planers.

Abrasive planing

With 36-grit sandpaper on your drum sander you can quickly clean up a surface, taking it from rough sawn to finished. And, of course, you can change to progressively finer papers to optimize the surface finish.

End grain cutting boards

Leveling an end grain cutting board can be difficult. You’re up against the end grain of hard woods, plus you have glue squeeze out. You shouldn’t plane end grain cutting boards. A drum sander is the perfect solution.

Making veneer

If you’ve tried planing super thin stock you know it doesn’t go well. This material tends to get pulled up into the cutterhead, and your veneer is ruined. Go as thin as you like on a drum sander. You can virtually make paper.

Cleaning up edges

I’ve found that one of the best ways to eliminate saw marks from the edges of narrow pieces, like face frame parts, is to send them through a sander. This is much easier, and safer, than handling these narrow parts on a jointer.

Non-ferrous metal

You can easily get a brushed finish look on non-ferrous metal. When you do this be sure you disable the dust collection.

Wide panels

A huge benefit of open-ended drum sanders is the ability to sand parts that are wider than the drum is long. This 19” machine can handle parts up to 38” wide.

More info

For more information on the SuperMax 19-38 visit the company’s website. You may also be interested in the SuperMax 19-38 Drum/Brush Sander Combo.

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4 Responses to “What You Can Do On a Drum Sander”

  1. Chris

    Great piece! Could using finer grit be used to clean up planer snipe without sacrificing too much of the planer finish?

  2. Jay

    That was an excellent overview of drum sanders. I have a Jet 25-50. It's advantage over a planer is its ability to work with much wider pieces than my DeWalt planer's 13 inches. Sometimes, I've cut a piece too short for the planer (less than 8" long) but the Jet will easily handle 4" and over. Infeed and outfeed tables are available as accessories, but they are difficult to install and properly align. I don't know about the Laguna, but on the Jet, changing the paper is a royal PITA. I generally use 60 or 80 grit paper and leave it on there until it no longer sands efficiently. It generally lasts me a very long time. The paper can get glazed with resin. When that happens, it can groove or even burn the work piece. Soft, resinous woods, like pine, will quickly clog up the paper, so they should be avoided. Cleaning the paper with a rubber stick helps prolong the useful life of the paper, but it makes a mess of tiny rubber particles that is difficult to clean up. I can get a nice, smooth, glossy finish with a planer. I can't get that with the drum sander, so I always have to do some hand sanding to remove the drum sander's marks. If I have a piece of 4/4 hardwood lumber that I need to get to 3/4" accurately, the planer will be the go-to tool and I can do it in 2-3 passes on the planer. Drum sanding works best when decreasing the thickness setting by small increments, like 1/64", at a time or even less. The slower the feed belt goes, the more material is removed per pass. Getting a work piece to your desired thickness can take many passes and a long time. It produces a very fine sawdust that quickly clogs up the filter on your dust collection device way before the canister is even full. Once you have seen a cloud of dust above your drum sander, you know that has happened. You can experience snipe with either a planer or drum sander. I generally avoid sending the wood through the far right or left edges of the drum sander unless there's no choice. The paper for the Jet is quite narrow at its extreme ends of where it gets clipped tightly to the inside of the drum and can be easily damaged there. If it tears at either end, the paper will just flop around inside, possibly damaging the work piece and your machine. While a good drum sander costs a lot less than a planer of the same size, you will still want to have a good thickness planer. A drum sander is superior for those work pieces that are too wide, too short, too thin or otherwise inappropriate for a planer. One last suggestion: If you have a wood lathe, expired drum (or sanding belt) paper can often still be used when doing your initial, aggressive sanding on a turned and nearly completed work piece. You can cut the paper into different widths, fold it, etc. I use it before using my usual, medium grit, sandpaper on the lathe and that means that the regular sandpaper lasts me a lot longer.

  3. Charles

    George, I agree with you about drum sanders and the SuperMax 19/38 open-end drum sander has been a wonderful addition to my shop. It is great for sanding the river tables my wife makes. When we sand them, she sits in a chair at the outfeed table and hands to me as they come out, I sit in a chair at the infeed side, adjust the sander for the next pass and send it on through back to her. She calls it "sanding for seniors". 😁

  4. Carolyn Payne

    Can drum sanders remove paint from plywood?

Question I get pretty often is, how can a surface or a drum sander fit into my shop? Sander versus planer, what's the deal? I love having a surface sander. And honestly, every stick of wood I use in a project goes through the sander before I incorporate it into the project. So, let's talk about drum sanders and what's going on.

What we've got is a sanding head, similar to a planer head, sanding head above the work, conveyor below. The conveyor is what's gonna feed your material past this head, under the head. Now, right now I've got on here, a pretty aggressive piece of sandpaper that's 36 grit. One of the things we can do with a sander is what's called abrasive planing. I'm gonna show you that in just a second.

So, with an aggressive grit like this, we can get some of the benefit we would get from a planer, which is rapid stock removal. In the course of events here over the next little bit, I'm gonna show you that, plus the ability to sand metal, sand really thin material. Lot of other applications you can use a sander like this for. So. let's start with, just to give you a feel for what's going on here, what it looks like to do that abrasive planing.

We've got two switches on it. One switch is gonna turn on and off the sanding head itself. The other is gonna control the conveyor from a very slow rate of feed, that would give me my optimal surface finish, to a faster rate of feed, which of course, propels the material through more quickly. Really cool thing about this sander, it's got a feature called INTELLISAND. And what that does is, if I inadvertently overload it, if I try to take too much off in one pass, it's gonna automatically sense that and slow down the conveyor.

So, that function is, taking too much off, my depth to cut isn't right, and/or feeding at too quick a rate, too fast a rate. So with INTELLISAND, it'll automatically engage, it'll automatically kick in, and it'll slow the conveyor down for you so that you don't burn your material is the most common by-product of trying to feed too fast. 36 grit. Big chunk of funky-looking maple. So let's do a little abrasive planing.

Holy buckets, what a difference. It's a pretty chunk of wood. 36 grit, abrasive planing, taking material off pretty fast with that aggressive sandpaper on there. Then of course, what we would do is go to finer and finer grits to get this to the point where we're done with it, where we're ready for it in the project. What I'm gonna do is change sandpaper, and then we'll have a look at some other cool stuff you can do with a drum sander.

If you've ever made an end grain cutting board, especially harder woods, which you should be using for a cutting board, maple and cherry in this case, you know that dealing with the end grain part can be a pain. Dealing with meaning, after that stage in the glue up, you gotta get all of this leveled out, get the excess glue off of there. And it being end grain, that's a hard surface. A drum sander is a really, really great way to do this. I've got 80 grit on here right now, and in just a few passes, it's gonna have this leveled out, and then of course I can move up to finer and finer grits to eliminate sanding marks, leave very little sanding that needs to be done with a random orbit sander.

Drum sander versus planer. This is a great application for a sander. You really shouldn't plane end grain cutting boards because a planer knife, a planer head can grab the end grain and throw chunks back. So it can turn into a very unsafe scenario pretty quickly. Drum sanders are really, really the best choice for dealing with end grain cutting board.

Now, what about really thin stuff? This is down to less than an 1/8 of an inch. If you've tried to do thin stuff on your planer, you probably already know what often happens there. On a planer, what happens is, the planer head has a tendency to lift really thin material, pull it up into the planer head, and basically destroy it. This is another great benefit of a drum sander is, we can easily handle this thin stuff.

This is a piece of flame birch on a sander. You need to write a letter home, we can basically make wood paper on the drum sander. That is incredibly thin. It's cool if you need to do bent laminations, this is a great way to finalize the thickness on those laminations. Get really, really thin pieces you can put into your forms.

When I'm making, I dunno, face frames are a great example, anything where I've ripped a bunch of parts to width, now I've got saw marks on there. This is a great way to deal with those saw marks. And again, it's part of what I'm trying to do is make my life easier, and do less sanding with a random orbit sander. The other thing with a handheld sander is, if I try to sand these edges, I might round 'em over. With a drum sander, we can send all of these through on edge like this.

It's gonna keep those edges nice and crisp, it's gonna keep the width uniform, and it's gonna really easily get rid of those saw marks. A lovely little before and after, even with 80 grit on there, which is fairly aggressive. That's the edge I just sanded, this is what I started with. See all the saw marks in there from the table saw? So, cleaning up edges like that, it's a great thing to do on the sander.

Now, let's go in a different direction. That's a piece of aluminum. One of the things we can do with a drum sander is create, we can emulate a brushed finish. We're not actually gonna get a brushed finish outta this, we're gonna get a sanded finish outta this, but I'll show you what I mean. So, just have a look at that face and what it looks like now.

Now, I took the dust collection hose off, and I sand non-ferrous metals on my sander all the time, but I don't wanna take a chance of any of those hot particulates finding their way into the dust collector. So taking the hose completely off is a good way to make sure that's not gonna happen. Little brushed aluminum action going there. Now, you're gonna get some heat. So, it's quite possible, you need to sand a little bit, stop, sand a little bit, cool that piece down in order to be able to work with it.

But pretty neat trick you can do with a drum sander in order to give non-ferrous metal that brushed look. Now, there's a cool benefit of an open-ended drum sander. That piece is obviously a lot wider than the sanding head is long. So the way this works is that on this machine, there's a lever up here on front. And with this lever, when I put it in a down position, what it does is it actually raises this side of the conveyor just a tiny bit, a couple of thousands of an inch.

And what we're after here, what we're avoiding is the opportunity for the sanding drum to leave a ridge in the middle of the board. So when I do this, very simple, it raises this side so we're just a tiny, tiny bit out of parallel. And then of course, when I put that back down, now we're back into parallel. That feature is what then allows me to double pass wide stuff like this. This is a 19 inch head, so I could be sanding stuff as wide as 38 inches by doing it in that double pass approach.

Really cool aspect of a sander like this. So overall, when I said earlier, every piece of wood I touch in my shop goes through my sander, that's true. And I really, really like the dust collection because it grabs it right here at the source. I also like that, it really reduces the time I spend later working with a random orbit sander to get these ready for finish, get my parts ready for finish. Plus, that ability to do weird stuff.

Non-ferrous metal, the end grain cutting boards. If you had an application where you needed to surface down man-made material for some reason, like a plywood or particle board or something like that, you could do that on a sander. That's not work you can do on a planer. So overall, very, very versatile tools that really add a lot to a shop.

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