George Vondriska

Sanding a Cylinder

George Vondriska
Duration:   1  mins


Sometimes, when turning a cylinder for your woodworking projects, you want it to be perfectly flat, but how do you accomplish that? George Vondriska shows you a foolproof sanding technique that he uses for making a cylinder flat from end to end. A WoodWorkers Guild of America (WWGOA) original video.

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3 Responses to “Sanding a Cylinder”

  1. Mike Kunkel

    Where did you get that respirator? I've seen you use it a number of times. Thanks

  2. WolfLahti

    All that would do for me is give the cylinder a consistent taper.

  3. Vic

    That was explained well. Lets take it a step further by asking instead of it being a cylinder that is round what would be the best way of sanding it if it was eliptical

I'm working on a rolling pin project here and as I'm ready to sand it, one of the things I want to make sure of is that I don't introduce high and low spots, which if I simply hand hold the sandpaper I might have a tendency to do. Instead, I want to sand it in a way that lets me make sure the diameter is gonna stay consistent throughout. Very, very easy technique for this. I'm gonna wrap my sandpaper around a board that's straight, hold that board on the rolling pin and sand the whole thing at one time. As long as this edge is straight, it's gonna keep this straight, give me a nice uniform cylinder.

Here's how it looks. Just a few minutes of sanding like that, this'll be ready for a coat of finish. And I know it's perfectly straight from end to end. My pastries are going to come out great. Hope this tip helps you.

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