George Vondriska

Make a Coffee Filter Holder From Scraps

George Vondriska
Duration:   20  mins


We all want to find ways to use up our scraps or shavings creatively. That’s why Woodworkers Guild of America has been hosting live events to give you some ideas.

These live events were originally hosted on our Facebook Page, but we want to make sure you can learn how to make these projects any time, so we’ve put them on our website!

In this video, learn how to make a holder for your coffee filters using scraps!

Download the coffee filter holder cut list and plan.

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Folks, what's cooking today. We're not cooking anything. I'm sure that you're here for your a weekly Wisconsin weather report, which seems to be the way I always start these things, looking out my lovely window, which is too small, I wish it were bigger. So I had more natural light coming in, but Holy buckets it's a nice day here. We had a lot of rain the last few days.

So the sun being out, I think we're headed for maybe 70 degrees today, Definitely will be a bicycle riding event this afternoon. They really great weather. And you know, of course with the rain, April showers bring May flowers. So with the rain we had the last few days, if we get some heat, the next couple of days, we'll I'll be mowing grass, I believe by Saturday. So, this is we're rocking on with this whole scraps to projects, idea, which is ironic because a lot of my projects are scraps anyway.

So to revisit where we've already been, I got I'm not sure I'm going to get the order right. Week one. I think it doesn't really matter. So we've already done coasters and an end grain cutting board, kind of a style. And we have already done Fire starters they're not ingrained cutting board style.

They are a crate and sada style. So this is shavings from your planer, And then you get them in an egg crate, pour wax over them. So that was another project we did, scraps to projects. And then the other one was this candle holder, which I saw on. I saw the woodworkers Guild community page.

People have made these and they posted pictures of them which is pretty cool. So all three of these projects, the coasters and the candle holder and the Fire starters. If you look at the link for this, the description, sorry for this live video, all of those links are in there. So you can backtrack. If you've not seen those projects, yet you can backtrack here on to Facebook and you can get to them.

The other link that's in there is the link for this. And it's not really in reverse. It's just in reverse. Cause I'm on an iPad. This is what we're going to do today.

So if you want to build what we're going to build, go to that other link in the description where it says plan for the filter holder here. And when you click on that, you can get this this gives you a cut list and all the dimensions that you need in order to make one of these. So what the heck is it we're going to make? Holder for your coffee filters. Project of the day is, a holder for number four cone style, coffee filters, this being the thing.

And again, the print is not really in reverse. It's only in reverse because we're on an iPad. So cone filters cause I'm a coffee snob, and that does give you the best flavored coffee, and pretty small pieces for this. Again, the cut list is on the plan. The link for that is in the description, but we have some little rails that make up the sides and the bottom.

And then some quarter inch material we use for the front and the back. I've got a laser engraver in my shop, so I added this. We won't be lasering and that's not something I can teach you how to do, you either have a laser or you don't. So I did add it to mine. And if you've got one and you can add it to yours, that's cool too.

Sequence of events. Get the plan from the link in the description and then start out by making the frame pieces. I'm gonna, I'm gonna back up a step and on this thing. So in my brain, when I was coming up with this plan, I looked at this a couple different ways. One thing you could do, if you make it like I've made this one, drill a hole in here and hang that on a wall, or you could just set it on a countertop or set it in a cabinet.

Cause it, it is wide enough. It's an inch and a half wide. It's wide enough. It'll just sit or the other way to do it. Especially if you do not put any kind of artwork on the front, that's why my coffee is here.

It could live under the thing that whatever you're keeping your coffee in. It's not quite big enough to set the coffee maker on. And I'm not sure the heat from the base of a coffee maker would be a great idea for the top of this, but this your coffee canister on top of the holder, isn't a bad idea. Alright. Back to sequence of events.

So now, you know, you gotta have one, right? That's the first thing in the sequence, then make your frame pieces. And I think we're at the stage in the game here where I need to flip you around so that you can see betterly. I'm thinking a second to make sure I'm to that point., I think so, camera flipper is where I make you car sick. Alright.

Then let me make sure I have you framed in there correctly. That'll work. You've got two longs and a short. So now, you know the longs and the shorts are this project. And they go together.

The pieces are three quarter by one. One inch is the, in this case, the vertical direction, the one inch dimension is this, the height of that piece. So what we want to do, is get this glued up preliminarily, boom, boom. Make sure you have flushicity across the edges here and here. So usually what I do in this case, that's why I have rosin paper on my table, is I just push these down.

And if you cut them all at the same time they should all be the same size. So that'll get these faces registered, nicely Alright. Now, while that's in clamps, I'm going to, I'm going to get to where you are in case there are questions popping up. Alright, that's glued up Alright looks like we are good to go. Alright, that's glued up.

Now, while that's resting comfortably, you can make your front and your back. So, and these are pine. The one I showed you earlier, that's a little bit a soft maple, got a little spalting in it. I resawed these, then I sent them through the planer to clean up the resaw marks. Again, the dimensions for this are in the plan.

The plan, the link for the plan is in the description for the video. Alright. So you can get these sized. Then our next thing is to make, we need a little relief here, so that at the top of this, you can reach in, and get your coffee filter. The dimensions for that curve, are on the plan, and the way I'm going to do this, is using those dimensions.

Let me make sure. Yep. We're still framed up okay. Inch and a quarter in, inch and a quarter in, and then I have this really high-tech layout device I like to use, called a number 10 can, line that up with my pencil lines and trace Then. Alright, I'm going to, we're going to head for the bandsaw next.

After I moved the remote for my lovely stereo system in the shop. I'm using a three sixteenths, 10 tooth per inch blade. It's going to give me a nice, fine cut. You could do this a quarter inch, four tooth would be okay. You just have to do a little bit more sanding after.

and then, walk this way. There's our piece. And next thing we'll do is the S word a little bit of sanding It gives us our fair curve across there. Check your frame. And again, Alright, let me look for preguntas.

Alright, looks like we're okay. So far now through the magic of preparing ahead of time, which isn't magic at all. It's just preparing ahead of time. This frame is already dry, A little bit of yellow glue. So for people who are just now jumping in, let me while I'm spreading glue, revisit a couple things the plan for this project, there's the plan.

The link for that plan is in the description for this live video on Facebook. And then also in the description are the links to previous projects, such as the coasters. I did a few weeks ago, the candle holder I did which I think was maybe last week and the Fire starters that I did previously. Alright. Clampicity.

And I'm just of course double checking here to make sure I'm flush here and here. Same. Now I'm looking for flush there and double-check it's a lot easier to move now than to sand later. Robbing clamps off the other glue up in here. So sequence of events let's revisit that make the frame parts get those glued together like this in a U shape.

Then while that's drying, you can make the front and the back skins, then using the dimensions on the plan cut the curve in the front skin get that glued to your frame. Once this is dry then, because we're prepared you end up here, which is we have a front we have the Walnut sides and bottom but we're missing a back kind of an important thing to keep the coffee filters in there. Part of what I'm, if you notice it, what I'm doing here is I'm prevailing the glue toward that outside edge. And the reason for that is if it squeezes out in that direction, that's easy to clean up with sanding. If it squeezes out toward the inside that's going to be really hard to clean up with sanding.

So I would rather as much as possible kind of force the glue to squeeze out toward the outside then we're going to need some more clampification. Flush, flush clampit Jed, spring clamps are amazing things. Then Last one. Alright. That's our deal.

Once that glue is dry and the last glue up there, then the final step is you're going to look shorter like this except you're going to have squeeze out on the outside. So then a little bit of sanding to clean that up, this particular one. And again, that's a soft maple spalted with Walnut spacers. I shot a coat, Just rattle can lacquer on that. Alright.

Gonna make you car sick? Alright. Let's see what I missed while I was waking Alright. I don't think I'm missing a question. Alright.

Anything else I can learn ya? So we have one more of these. We're going to do another scraps to projects video a week from today. So to revisit a bunch of what's already happened in the description for this video. There's a link and that'll get you the plan for the whatever we just made for the for the coffee filter holder that I just got done working on.

Additionally, in the description for this live video is a link for the coaster project and a link for the fire starter project and a link for the candle holder project. That's this not this? So you can go back and if you haven't already seen that stuff you can go back and have a look at those. Other than that, Oh John's asking who won the clamp contest? I have zero idea.

How many were there? So on that wall, it was, I think it was 313. It was right around there. 300 and something. And that was the clamps that were in that photo.

And then there's other clamps, like the clamps I just took off the bench. Weren't included in that, but in any way they weren't in the photo. So, but I dunno who won it. Alright. We're built.

It doesn't look like any questions are pouring in. So I'm going to check out, open my doors cause it's a beautiful day and a great day to have shop doors open. And we'll see you a week from today. Same bat time, same bat station.

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