George Vondriska

WWGOA LIVE! September 2017

George Vondriska
Duration:   1  hrs 5  mins


We had a bit of an audio glitch, but once we got going things went great. Thanks to all for hanging with us, and participating.

1:17 Bowtie vs. epoxy
2:50 Making runners for a table saw
4:38 Jigs and Fixtures circle jig, fractional calculator
7:38 Pocket holes for a toe kick?
10:18 Phillips vs tork heads
11:10 Glue for rub joints
11:42 Easy Wood detail chisels
13:36 Silicone glue brushes vs acid brushes
14:43 Shop-made turning finish vs. Mylands Friction Polish
16:25 Recess or tenon when using a four-jaw chuck on bowls
19:52 How much clamp pressure?
22:12 Table saw fence; left or right side of the blade?
25:15 Light wood to contract with Sapele and blood wood
26:14 Ash for turning?
27:00 Concave edges from a jointer
33:08 Epoxied board through the planer?
33:25 Glue for edge to edge gluing?
34:40 Short vs long lathe chisels
36:12 Oil based finish for dresser top?
37:22 Wipe wet glue?
40:27 Problems gluing cedar
43:35 Inaccurate tape on table saw fence
44:42 Purple heart for turning?
45:42 Starter turning projects
48:29 Jointing on the router table
54:00 Sawmilling wood
56:00 Plain sawn four faces table legs
1:05:00 George’s teaching schedule

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