George Vondriska

WWGOA LIVE! March 2020

George Vondriska
Duration:   1  hrs


We had a huge audience for the March LIVE Q&A. Here’s what we covered:

1:05 April LIVE streams. There will be an extra one or two
1:30 Spring Sawdust Sweepstakes
2:20 What wood is this?
3:20 Wall clamp rack
4:15 Setting up a miter saw
8:45 Measurements for half lap picture frame
10:30 Water cooled vs air cooled spindles for CNC
12:20 What does George do with his shavings and sawdust?
13:35 Crosscut sled on tablesaw. Where should the stops go?
14:40 Miter saw and planer recommendations
16:30 Organizing shop tools in a garage
17:50 Moving shop tools across country
19:25 Oil based spar varnish vs water based spar varnish
20:20 Vertical router jig?
21:16 Jointer recommendations
21:50 Setting depth of iron on a hand plane
22:35 Paste wax over Armor Seal?
23:05 Name that wood
23:50 Shop-made clamps Groz
25:13 Live edge outdoor sign. Bark….
26:10 Finish for shop-made cabinets
26:50 6” jointer ok?
27:28 Resin classes with Jess Crow
29:12 Squaring a drill press table.
32:00 Shop lay out
33:45 SketchUp class. Download SketchUp Make 2017 here.
35:00 Router table vertical jig for lock miters. See a lock miter cut here.
35:50 Stain, finish and glue still usable?
37:25 Flat top grind saw blade?
38:12 Meet the Makers in June?
39:15 Shelf life of yellow glue
39:50 Cheap way to start woodworking?
40:45 CNC buying advice
41:40 Adding T-tracks to a bench
42:45 Portable CNC vs benchtop CNC
44:00 Doing shop math – Fractional calculator
46:10 Cord reels. What gauge? 12 ga cord reel
46:35 Starter tools
49:22 Euro hinges leave a gap
50:49 Lathe turning wood with cracks in it?
52:22 Is it worth milling ash?
52:40 Leather vs wood mallet
53:20 Jointing edges without a jointer
54:00 Radial arm saw?
55:10 Maker spots in the Twin Cities
56:00 14” bandsaw?
56:25 Benchtop router table recommendation
56:50 Height of a lathe
57:40 Bench chisel recommendation

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12 Responses to “WWGOA LIVE! March 2020”


    Stop blocks on the miter saw - a southpaw like me would naturally want the block on the right because of the natural work flow.

  2. M David Brim

    Is adding an Incra fence on a SawStop worth it? Or is the accuracy of the standard SawStop fence reliable enough. I am planning on buying a SawStop and was wondering if I should also buy the incra fence.

  3. Frank Kirschner

    Can I use the same compressor for the pressure pot for resin casting as I use for pneumatic tools, or is there some additional constraint?

  4. Bob Mattison

    What is a good resource to determine tool layout, hose length and diameter for a whole shop dust collection system

  5. fairlieb

    Is there any significance to 25.7 degrees?

  6. Michal

    I'm constantly frustrated by adding and converting imperial fractions. Any tips for quickly adding measurement fractions?

  7. Jim


  8. John

    What would be the best way to glue on rare earth magnets to an oak board

  9. Ron Snipes

    What is a good size for a workbench and height?

  10. TOM

    In the video provided with the plans for your Benchtop Tool Cabinet it appears that you're using crown staples for assembling the cabinet. Do you come back with screws after tacking it with the staples?

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