George Vondriska

WWGOA LIVE! July 2020

George Vondriska
Duration:   1  hrs 2  mins


Our July LIVE event went great, except for me forgetting to take the tag off my new jeans.

Here’s what happened:
1:05 Free plans for Scraps to Projects
2:25 Noise dampening for a dust collector
4:40 Turning gum wood
5:35 Glue on two surfaces, or only on one?
7:35 5/4 cedar for a picnic table
9:18 Panel saws
10:25 Chainsaw sawmill?
11:40 Projects for middle school kids
13:20 Respirator face shield
13:50 Epoxy weeping into grain – Penetrating epoxy
16:20 Wood choice for practicing
17:30 Wax to make fasteners go in easier?
18:30 Shipping Adirondack chairs?
19:25 Shifting from a woodworking hobby to pro
21:05 Jointed a board and it has a bow
22:40 When to use grain filler – Aquacoat products
24:30 Dust collection on a router table
25:30 Covering screws – Plug cutters
25:50 Finish for outdoor sign
27:20 Track saw instead of a panel saw?
28:30 Tables level with miter saw?
30:35 Belt sand parallel to the grain?
29:50 Getting glue off the bars on parallel jaw clamps
32:00 Dowels for draw bore joints
32:10 Grizzly tools?
33:45 Filling a chip with sawdust/glue/stain – Timbermate wood dough
37:00 Mill a dead pine tree?
37:12 Cleaning up an old lathe – Bostik Glide Coat
39:00 George’s adze
40:30 Woodworking for beginners
42:05 Hand tools for kids
44:50 Resin on outdoor furniture – Mas Art Pro
45:15 Jointing plywood
47:00 Cremation casks
47:35 Stain cedar?
47:55 George’s travel schedule
48:30 Emblem over door
48:45 Jointer or planer first?
50:15 Deep pour epoxy
50:33 Finish for a desk
52:25 Woodworking in a monsoon. Humidity?
53:25 Tips for shop layout – Work triangle
54:20 Securing patterns – Spray adhesive
56:45 Binding on a table saw
57:00 Flush trim bit diameter
57:50 Blade coat on a blade on a SawStop?
58:00 Upgrade a bandsaw with a quick release?
58:55 Cleaning rust off a table saw
59:45 Connecting with a woodworking club
60:00 Sander recommendations

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12 Responses to “WWGOA LIVE! July 2020”

  1. Anthony Pilato

    Best way to remove a convex warp from a maple dresser top that's already been removed from the unit?

  2. Kenny

    I've been asked to build a wooden sign for a business. It would need to be about 4' to 4.5' in diameter and hang from a tall sign hanger. What is the best way to join boards that will be in the weather? Is marine plywood an option? I've never been asked to do a project like this before, so any help would be appreciated.

  3. LINDA

    What paint is best to use on MDF?

  4. Wayne Mills

    Which spiral router bit is more useful, in general--upcut or downcut?

  5. Bob Anderson

    I've been using router bits with bearings for quite awhile. But I'm not really familiar with those bushings. What are they and how do they work? Thanks

  6. Harold Golden

    How can I flatten a cupped board?

  7. Bill

    I build outdoor furniture with 2x4 pine lumber. In order to cut down on sanding I am thinking of buying a hand planer. Are they that useful?

  8. Dave

    Will freezing wood eliminate beetles or other pests in fresh cut slabs? Also, if I use Bora Care on wood, can I still use mineral oil and expect that the wood will be “food safe?”

  9. Dave

    What’s the best resin to use for beginners?

  10. Kim

    When do you wear a dust make when you work and what kind do you use?

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