WWGOA LIVE: August 2021
George VondriskaDescription
Looking for some new woodworking knowledge? George Vondriska answers your woodworking questions on WWGOA LIVE.
1:40 WWGOA Sweepstakes
3:00 Tight grain vs open grain wood
6:10 Edging (jointing) long boards
7:20 Tightening loose legs
10:00 Safe plywood cutting on the table saw
13:40 Curly maple and planer tear out
15:50 Angle grinders and carving discs Turbo plane Kutzall medium disc
18:55 Depth per pass when flattening slabs with a router
20:30 Stopping wood from cracking Pentacryl
22:10 Drill bit selection
22:45 Harvey dust extraction
23:15 Making a round tenon
25:50 Weather resistant woods
26:04 Middle school woodworking projects
27:30 Punky wood repair Penetrating epoxy
28:40 Dampening wood surface to reduce planing chips
29:45 Saving poplar tree trunk?
31:26 Surface board wider than jointer
34:40 Making tenons
36:50 Getting kids into woodworking
38:13 White oak Adirondack chair
39:00 End to end joints in a cutting board
41:05 Learning SketchUp
44:15 Wood for cutting boards
47:03 Tools to start with
49:00 Crack repair
51:30 Pattern routing chips
52:20 Epoxy fill small cracks
54:30 Pattern routing
57:00 Gluing wood face to face
57:45 Wide panels
59:00 Ripping thin strips
I dont know how to market myself and get my work done, I have been in business for a year and a half, and I have 2 employees but in reality I am not making it and going to lose my grip soon but have no excuses. with out marketing the right way. I cant figure out what genre to stick in because I dont want to be a trend, I want to be a branding for years to come....I am stuck and cant get off the ground.....
HELLO GEORGE; I am curious which is better- an electric hand planer or a base type of planer?
Awesome, thank you…love your classes
Is there a special glue for cutting boards?
First time watcher
Been with WWGOA for many years and I just want to thank you for sharing your knowledge. And really love your twisted humor sister.🤪
I’m sorry I’m a little late. What do you think of the one with the chainsaw disk?
I seem to have a lot of sawdust even when I am using my vacuum system for my table saw, is this normal or what should I check to improve the capture of the dust.
I have 4 carved panels (3/4"x16"x24") made from exotic hardwood (from Asia). They are slightly warped. Is there a way to remove the warp?