George Vondriska

WWGOA LIVE! August 2020

George Vondriska
Duration:   1  hrs 1  mins


Thanks for all the great questions during this month’s WWGOA LIVE Q&A.

Here’s what happened:
1:10 Identifying finishes
3:35 Working with hickory
5:00 Wood darkens with finish
6:15 Router bits for a rule joint
7:20 Mirka sanders
10:00 Software for parts lay out:
11:30 Glue for rosewood
12:50 Growth of YouTube channel
15:30 Heavy duty clamp
17:25 Count the clamp contest
18:20 Wax dulls finish on tools?
19:00 Sources for guitar making supplies: and
19:45 Custom handsaws
20:30 Spray finishing class?
21:30 Video shoots of spray finishing
22:20 Router table plan?
23:20 30 degree bevel on a large panel
25:20 Videos for beginning woodworkers
26:50 Plane dimensional lumber?
28:45 Storing woodburning tips
30:00 Domino or mortiser? 500 or 700
31:00 SawStop table saws
32:25 Metal or PVC dust collection pipe?
33:20 Router table choices
34:00 Jet 18” bandsaw?
34:50 Table saw set up
35:30 Finish for a vanity
37:20 Making a large, curvy table leg
39:20 Angles from jointer passes
40:40 Hand plane purchase
40:50 6-1/2” or 7-1/4” circ saw?
42:15 Wiring in George’s shop
44:00 Wood for outdoor furniture
45:10 Aligning drawer fronts
46:00 Router table built in to table saw
46:55 Glass on a vanity to prevent moisture build up?
47:15 Tool is unplugged…..
48:45 Sustainable wood sources

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3 Responses to “WWGOA LIVE! August 2020”

  1. Derald

    What glue do you use most?

  2. Mike

    Thought out this Covid-19. I started to expand my experience. On making a branch out of a twin headboard. As I supervised myself how it turned out. The headboard started to peel off its detail from its own surface. How can salvage it now. To continue to enjoy the bench I made for the outside porch?

  3. Edward McGinnis

    Do you have any plans for an outdoor rocking chair

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