Sanding Techniques: Know Your True Grit
David MunkittrickDescription
Dave, I've heard people say that, as you get older, the first thing to go is your memory, and I can't remember what the second one was, but you've got a little memory trick for us here when it comes to sanding. Yeah, well, it's just, for me anyhow, I've found, a lot of times when I've got a lot of parts to work with, I lose track of where I am in terms of what grit did I sand that stack to. And especially if I got a weekend in between working, or even overnight, sometimes you just. Well, it's easy to get distracted. Yeah.
So, all I've taken to do is very simple tip is when I'm done with my grit, in this case, it's a 120 grit, I just mark my piece and I know this one's been sanded to 120 and set it aside, and I don't have to worry about it. And sometimes, depending on the piece, you'll be sanding one side, 120's enough, but you'll want the other one to go all the way to 220 or something. So it just helps you keep track of where you've been with your sander. So, probably an important part of that tip is when you get to your last grit, don't write it on there. Don't write it on there, although I tend to hand sand at the end, so, but it's up to you.
Okay. Thanks Dave, good idea.
Why do we sand? What is the purpose of it. Sorry I missed that.
I always mark mine with the NEXT grit. That way I will have a clean panel when I sand with my final grit.