Use Old Credit Cards to Spread Glue
Spike CarlsenDescription
The most common ways to spread glue onto your woodworking projects are with your index finger or a brush, but you may not know that you can also neatly spread glue with your old unwanted credit cards. Spike Carlsen teaches you how to make this simple tool using pinking shears to cut off the side of a credit card and use the serrated edge to spread the glue evenly onto any wood surface.
Most woodworkers know that the very best tool ever invented for spreading glue is at the end of your index finger. However, when you have a wider surface sometimes you need a little help. I'm gonna show you a couple tips for that. For wide surfaces, one thing that works really well is to just use a good old fashioned foam brush. You can use them over again if you rinse them out.
Another good thing to use is a serrated credit card. And you simply need to grab a pinking shears, cut that edge, make sure you have plenty of glue and then use that to distribute the glue equally across the surface. There you go.
Great idea to use pinking shears to make the serrations, as long as my wife does not catch me with them. Old credit cards are hard to come by, the plastic hotel room keys will work just as well.