George Vondriska

Biscuit Joiner: Outside Corners and T Joints

George Vondriska
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Duration:   7  mins


Biscuit joiners make it crazy simple to create butt joints. You can use biscuits to craft cabinet cases or boxes by creating outside corners and T-joints.

Two different style joints

The point of this video is to work through two different approaches for using a biscuit joiner. When you create an outside corner you use the fence to register off the outside faces. When you create a T-joint you register the cuts off the bottom of the biscuit joiner.

Why the difference?

It’s important to understand the scenarios being worked through in this video. To accurately use a biscuit joiner you have to use it consistently. That means making sure you use the fence as a registration surface OR the base as a registration surface, but not interchangeably. Once you pick one, stick with it for all aspects of the joint. Lack of consistency will be mean lack of alignment when you assemble the joint.

As always, take some time and practice these techniques before you need them for a project.

Be sure to catch all WWGOA’s videos on biscuit joiners:

Biscuit Joiner Basics
Biscuit Joiner: Outside Corners and T Joints
Biscuit Joiner: Gauge if a Biscuit will Work
Biscuit Joiner: Create an Offset
Biscuit Joiner: Reinforce Miters

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