Ripping Small Parts on the Table Saw
Jimmy DiRestaDescription
Ripping narrow pieces on a table saw can be dicey, but Jimmy Diresta has a great trick. Instead of doing a single cut, Jimmy makes this happen with a double cut. This is a great approach for making those skinny parts you need.
More about thin pieces
If the approach Jimmy teaches here doesn’t fit your needs, don’t worry about it. We’ve got a variety of other ways you can crack this nut. Be sure to check out all of videos about ripping thin strips.
Sometimes you need to trim a skinny piece of wood. Like in this case, we're doing the edge banding and it's a little precarious to push it all the way through the saw. So I'll show you a trick where you don't get your hands anywhere near the saw blade. So in this case, I was able to cut it half way, gently, pull it out, flip it over and cut it the other halfway. So now it is fully trimmed and I never got my hand near the blade.
But what if you're doing that from a larger piece of wood? Say cutting those strips from a 1x12 where you have to constantly keep moving the fence in?