Getting Started with Resin

Thanks for signing up for the Getting Started with Resin Challenge. Click any of the thumbnails below to watch the project videos.

Tuxedo Coasters
Aurora Clock
Surfside Charcuterie Board
Ocean Bench
Alaskan River Table

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349 Responses to “Getting Started with Resin”

  1. Juan M Cruz Aponte

    I'll like to learn more about Epoxy

  2. Harold

    I'd like to learn more about epoxy

  3. Rick

    I have made several tables in the past without problems. On a recent table whick was large with pictures on it I had several problems. Some of the photos faded and areas of the resin did not completely harden and the affected areas got worse after being in a warm cabin for the summer. Any suggestions? Thank you

  4. Donnie Walters

    would like to learn more about it

  5. Darlene

    Love to make multiples of each. Beautiful!

  6. Richard Belanger


  7. Warrick King

    I have dabbled in resin resulting in two Charcuterie boards and a coffee table with waterfall one end. Rather tricky but the end result was pleasing. I look forward to reading comments of the five resin items.

  8. Bob

    Which resin has small volumes for starters?

  9. Gary Sizer

    Looking forward to trying using resin.

  10. Louis

    I'm real beginner thanks a lot