Tonight may have seen a record number of questions answered! Thanks for watching, and submitting such great woodworking questions.
:45 Sharpen and use a scraper
8:20 What to do with sawdust
11:00 Setting jointer knives
14:57 Turning birds eye maple
15:35 CNC machine recommendation
17:39 Chip carving
18:40 Finish for poplar outdoor furniture
19:20 Home center plywood
21:32 Getting good cuts from a jig saw; Down cutting jig saw blades
28:55 Best glue for bent laminations
30:50 Spraying paint; airless or HVLP Floetrol
32:31 Filling dimples in cherry; Timbermate cherry filler
34:00 Working with green treated lumber
35:16 Hand held router info
36:40 George rough looking hands 😊
36:55 How do you know planer knives are dull?
38:34 Levelling end grain cutting boards; Infinity Dado and Planer bit
Check this video: Flattening Large Wood Slabs with a Router
42:40 Fence position on a vertical panel raiser
44:00 Jointer or planer?
45:20 HVLP compressor or turbine?
47:20 Help on building tables
48:09 Good countersinks
48:57 RPM for router bits
50:36 Logs to lumber on a bandsaw. Check this video: Cutting a Log on a Bandsaw
54:37 Selling tools
55:00 Levelling slabs
57:00 Preventing rust on tools
58:04 Banding solid wood four sides
59:50 Turned plugs out of round
1:01 Joinery for cabinets
1:02:13 Face jointing material wider than your jointer
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WWGOA LIVE! April 2018
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Got an email that live in 30 min
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Heard about the LIVE on email. I am in Yuma, CO
Should you dry a log before cutting a slab, or cut the slab first
I found out about tonight’s live stream through my email
I heard about the live session via Facebook.
Heard about WWGOA live from your site or email.
unfortunately i found out about tonights live event when i came out of my woodshop at 8:45 (Est) and checked my email. only caught the last 15 min. I would have needed to realize way ahead of time, as I had 2 coats of finish planned to put on tonight after work at about 2hrs per coat, plus 2hr wait in between.
Hi from Newfoundland Canada. I heard about this from an email notification. great tips
I receive daily emails from WWGOA and I get notice of the WWGOA Live in an email on the night of the transmission. I would appreciate a reminder of couple of days in advance so that I don't miss the show. Jim - Mooresville, NC