Whatever your bottled beverage of choice, we’ve got ideas on how to open them. You can make a simple handheld bottle opener design, or a wall-mounted number that catches the cap with a magnet feature. In any case, bottle openers are simple and useful projects that also make great gifts.

Repurpose Old Openers with New Wooden Handles
Here’s an easy way to give old plastic openers new life with custom wooden handles. The type of opener you are transforming will dictate what type of handle you’ll make. This project features two different styles, one with a koa handle and one with the steel concealed completely in wood.
Find the project here: How to Make a Wood Handled Bottle Opener

Walnut and Maple Striped Bottle Opener
Instead of repurposing old openers or purchasing new materials, this unique design utilizes a U.S. quarter as the bottle opening mechanism. There is also a handy hidden magnet to catch the cap. The contrasting striped design makes an impressive piece, but you can also make this opener using only one species of wood.
Find the project here: Make a Bottle Opener that Pops

Magnetic Bottle Opener with Cap Catcher
Another magnetic opener, but vastly less time consuming. This project is QUICK, and is a great way to utilize some scrap wood. Keep this in your kitchen, garage, or wherever else you open bottles, and you are sure to impress.
Watch the video here: Magnetic Bottle Opener with Cap Catcher

Make a Bottle Opener on the Lathe
Learn to turn a beautiful bottle opener handle on the lathe. The process is simple, and you’ll end up with a striking bottle opener that will be a conversation piece in your kitchen. Cyanoacrylate glue is used to provide a highly durable finish on the handle.
Get the video instructions here:
Make a Bottle Opener Handle on the Lathe Part 1
Make a Bottle Opener Handle on the Lathe Part 2
If wine is more to your liking, check out our project for a mystifying wine bottle holder: Mystifying Balancing Wine Bottle Holder
Whatever your preference, you’ll be popping bottles all season long using your own handmade wooden projects.

I would like to work in Canadá because i believe is a beautiful place and opportunities country
Needs to be updated...
I make mine with a lag bolt and any scrap that I have laying around. I have made them in the shape of Michigan both UP and LP, Hilton Head Island (shaped like a shoe), and a pig just to name a few. While I am not a member of this group, retired and living on a fixed budget, I would be willing to send some pics if you are interested.
Looks good!
Just be aware, defacing US currency is illegal