A little false start at the beginning, but once we got going the LIVE was great. Have a look!
0:28 George’s trip to Philmont Scout Ranch1:09 Using Pentacryl wood preservative
3:52 First tool for the small shop
4:17 Finish for cherry
5:08 $2000 planer?
5:53 Blade for ripping
8:28 Turning tips
12:49 Jet oscillating drum sander worth it?
15:34 How long does Pentacryl need to dry?
17:36 Australian woods wood for pens
18:16 Upgrade to digital read outs?
20:07 Products for cleaning and protecting saws
21:48 Working with ½” material
25:38 Material for boat seats
26:18 Hide glue vs yellow glue
27:42 Frequency of calibrating tools
29:29 Has George used a Shopsmith?
31:55 Drill press shopping
33:00 White ash for bowls?
33:26 How tight for bandsaw blades?
35:42 Worm screws for turning
38:35 Keep planes from rusting
39:06 Turning a large cylinder
41:00 Release tension on a bandsaw blade?
41:25 Furniture repair
41:50 Standard screws in pocket holes?
44:19 Chipped paint on a scroll saw table
45:00 Tablesaw recommendation
46:37 George’s air filter
47:50 Bandsaw guide wheels
48:23 Table saw blade not flat
50:17 3 jaw vs 4 jaw chucks
50:58 Fastening cross grain
53:55 George’s shop layout
55:24 Project selection
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Congrats on the Philmont trip. As an Eagle, former scoutmaster and three-time Philmont advisor (twice to the Valle Vidal), I know that your scouts benefited greatly from your participation. Thank you for giving your time to do that!
George, Philmont is a great place to enjoy the Scouting experience for you, your son and the other boys. I was lucky enough to go twice, once as a scout and once as an adult. I lost a few lbs too ... think I left them on top of Mt. Baldy! Great service you are providing --- please keep up the great work. All the best, Roy
I just love your response to the question of what project to do as a beginner, etc. You are so right, do what will interest you!! Wonderful thinking! Thanks. I wish I had logged in sooner.
Abilene, Texas
north of boston ma. looks wierd to see you without the mustache. definitely liking the better video quality. I'm an eagle scout as well. what is the best way to square up and flatten a large panel glue up? one of the pieces is longer than the others. i have a ~30" square table top. i have the bosch reaxx table saw which only has 25" capacity. it is also too big for sliding miter and router table. don't own a jointer or surface sander so can only edge joint using the router table. at 30" it's definitely too big for the planer which i used on the panels before gluing up the 3 pieces. 2 were ~11" and one about 7" or so. i did the best i could but couldn't get all the warp out as i used the 3/4" stop on planer. could have also have clamped too hard or pieces were not exactly same thickness. how do you get a flat surface by hand? i have 1 hand plane and a low angle block plane. however blade catches wood and doesn't move or gouges chunks.
When do you need to apply a wood sealer prior to applying a finish?
I'm considering purchasing a drum sander. How do you feel about the usefulness of a drum sander in a home shop? What do you feel are some minimum specifications or features in the drum sander in order to make the purchase worthwhile?
Dust collection for drill press ...what do you recommend?
Hi, from Thurso, Québec, Canada
Am watching tonight from Kodak, Tennessee!