WWGOA LIVE! January 2017

We had one little technical glitch, but overall the WWGOA LIVE went great. Thanks to those who joined us. Here’s what we covered.

0:45 Aspen cupped when sealed with water based finish
4:15 How smooth should tenons be?
7:13 Quartersawn four sides
13:46 Bandsaw box blanks
16:20 Reducing hose size on a shop vacuum
19:15 Acrylic finish over tung oil?
20:35 Securing wood on a lathe
25:20 Paddle bits, forstner bits, holes saws
27:56 Internet outage Oops!
30:06 Social media platforms for WWGOA and George Vondriska
32:00 Bandsaw blade tension
35:52 Bandsaw upgrade. 14” and riser, or larger saw?
38:00 Guitar George built Kit company U.S. Guitar Kits
40:10 Working with cottonwood
41:53 Finding glue residue before finishing
45:45 Answering Live questions
47:51 Dust collection pipe recommendations
55:34 6” jointer… Good choice?
58:44 Belt sander buying advice
60:00 George’s upcoming teaching schedule


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53 Responses to “WWGOA LIVE! January 2017”

  1. Ralph Lowd

    Watched on Feb 3. Concerning hose sizes on vacuums, I disagree with George. When you attach a hose that is too small you hear the motor speed up. This is proof that the air flow is restricted, in some cases severely. George's observation that the lower speed of the air inside the larger hose is only relevant if you are using just the bare hose to pick up debris. If instead you attach an appropriate vacuum tool to the end of the hose, then the speed of the airflow at the vacuum tool (brush, duster, crevice tool) will be increased. The larger hose will always allow more airflow.

  2. John

    I do not like the fence on my router table. Inexpensive plastic 2 piece, adjustable and am going to make my own. Should I split it, just make a hole in the center , or leave it whole , as is? Thanks.

  3. Chris

    Watching on Saturday 21st Jan from just south of London, UK.

  4. Dallan W

    Enjoyed the show. It was my first viewing from Wilmington, NC.

  5. jmain

    Watching from Buffalo, NY-my first live show. Thank you for some fresh opinion-differing approaches keeps our hobby interesting. Thank you

  6. Lamont

    watching from Boise, Idaho

  7. Ian

    Viewing from Rainbow Flat NSW Australia

  8. Michael

    I notice when you answer the dust collection pipe question from Dallas you said that to watch out for the 90 degree fitting and the Y fitting , you can get the "Y" in PVC and what is called a long radius 90 (has twice the radius of a regular 90) both work great on a dust collection piping, you can get these in two inch and up pipe

  9. john

    whats your thoughts on using reclaimed wood for tables as using new wood.

  10. jon

    George thanks for the info on my walnut leg problem.I was more concerned about your thoughts on the stability of solid flat sawn wood for legs. should I laminate for stability sake? Hey IM a poet. Thanks