Here’s how to make a dust port for any jig or power tool in your shop. It’s easy to build, uses parts readily available from your local hardware store, and best of all, it really works!
I’ll show you how to make two kinds, one for your 2 1/2″ shop vac hose, and the other for any 2 1/2″ dust collection hose.
Tools you’ll need:
A 2 3/8″ hole saw or Forstner bit
MDF or plywood
Gorilla Glue (maybe)
What’s The Key? What makes this dust port so easy is …a PVC splicer and a toilet gasket.
Yes, this humble toilet tank appliance just happens to be a perfect fit for a 2 1/2″ hose or shop vac fitting.
And the second piece is just as easy to find–a 2 3/8 ” O.D. PVC splicer, available at most hardware and big-box stores.
Put them together and they work like this.
You get a nice, tight fitting adaptable to your particular dust collection system.
Making the Receptacle. Here is the dust port applied to a mortise and tenon jig body. Again, the hole must be 2 3/8″ diameter to accommodate the PVC splicer.
This is an angled approach suitable for a router fence. You can build the port housing to suit the dimensions and angle of your particular application. The port below sits at roughly 45 degrees and measures 6″w x 5″ x 3.5″ high and was glued in place with a synthetic glue that expands to form an air-tight seal.
Related Video:
Dan Phalen is a registered member of the WWGOA.
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My daughter was good with duct tape, made a wallet, shoes, etc. Although it would be to set it up, do the run, and then it's not needed any more.
I had to make a few of these but I used rubber hose connectors to attach mine,found them in the plumming section works great and you can get them in differant sizes
very clever, thanks.