Here’s a super-fast last minute gift project – magazine storage boxes. Sure a person could buy cheap cardboard alternatives to these, but these wooden magazine storage boxes are SO much nicer, and more durable too. I made and finished twelve of theses in a day. You could easily make one in less than an hour if you skip the wood putty, the finish, and the label holder. If you do apply finish, then let that dry for at least a week before inserting magazines to avoid possibly staining the magazines.
Tools required:
- Table saw
- Planer
- Jointer (optional)
- Band saw or jigsaw
- Orbital sander
- Stationary belt or disc sander
- Drill
- Brad nailer
Cutting List
Overall Dimensions: 4″ wide x 10-3/4″ deep x 11″ tall
Step 1.

Cut the back (A), bottom (B), and front (C) to size. Make sure the cumulative width of the assembled front, back, and bottom will be 10-3/4″. Finish sand the pieces.
Step 2.
Glue and nail the back and front to the bottom, this is the frame. The heavy board I have clamped to my worktable is there to absorb the recoil from the brad nailer.
Step 3.

Cut the sides (D) to size, then lay out this shape on one side piece.
Step 4.

Cut the side’s shape.
Step 5.

Sand the cut smooth.
Step 6.

Trace the shaped side to the other side. Place the sides face-to-face since the sides are mirrored images of each other. Cut and sand the other side’s shape.
Step 7.

Glue and nail the sides to the frame, fill the brad holes with putty, and then finish sand.
Step 8.

Apply one coat of Danish oil, let that dry, and then attach the label holder.
Flat Card Holder, Nickel, item #47608
(800) 279-4441
Photos and Illustration: Bruce Kieffer

Ola great share. In my opinion the best cccam servers are those from fishbone cloud I would like to see more posts like this Thanks
Super nice and easy George . I'm enjoying the tutorials.
I like these
that i lik e to keep all of them from getting bad or tore up
excellent gift idea
what a cool way to keep your magazine in order. Vince, from Livonia, Mich.
Very nice! In step three, if you made your blank longer, could get two side pieces from one cut and have almost no waste at all?