I have a problem which, admittedly, is a good problem to have. After a few years of woodworking (and thoughtful gifts from family and friends), I’ve got more than one router. The problem comes up when I reach for wrenches. Since the routers aren’t all the same brand, the wrenches aren’t interchangeable. Seems like I always grab the wrong one first.
Paint pens provided a perfect prescription for problem solving. The pen looks like a felt tip, but instead of ink, it writes with paint. I haven’t found a surface yet that the paint won’t stick to, and it’s permanent. The pens, about $3 each, are available in a variety of colors so you can make sure the color you use is visible on the surface you’re writing on. I bought my pens in the paint department of a home center.
Outside of keeping my wrenches straight, I’ve also found that the paint pens are a good way to identify my tools – so my tool borrowing, woodworking buddy knows to bring them back when he’s done.
Photos By Trent Johnson, a registered member of the WWGOA.
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Great tip for paint pens; I will surely use it, but I have a serious question on dado sets. I have a table saw for dado but it will not hold my whole dado set. How much thread should I have to secure my nut and can I extend that stud for my saw?