“How can I cut across grain on OAK plywood and get a smooth cut? I used a brand new Freud Diablo 40-tooth circular saw blade and it chipped out on the cut. Please help.”
Submitted by: lpribyl
WWGOA Editor Response:
There are a handful of tricks you can try for cutting across the grain. First, make sure the depth of cut on your circular saw is set so the blade only projects about 1/4″ more than the thickness of the plywood. With that setting the blade exits the top of the cut more horizontally than vertically.
You can also try laying a strip of masking tape down on the face of the plywood, then cutting through the tape.
You’ll get more chips from a free hand cut than from one you’ve used a straight edge on. A steel stud works great as a guide for your circular saw.
Finally, some woodworkers take the time to score the cut line with a utility knife before making the cut, which also helps a lot.
Remember that, as a rule, circular saw arbors have a lot more run out (wobble) than table saw arbors. Even with a great blade, depending on your saw, you may not be able to get as crisp a cut as a table saw can produce.
Thank you for your question.
George Vondriska
Managing Editor
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lpribyl, I used a piece of 1/8" hardboard cut to fit the saw base and 2 sided tap to hold it to the underside of the base created a zero clearance base for the saw. Lower the blade slowly to a depth of the material plus a 1/4". A fine tooth blade may help but my combination blade works well with this base installed. .
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If you use a chop saw use a 60 0r 80 tooth blade. Start your cut with the blade against the fence and cut down just 1/4" or less and draw the blade towards you slowly. Once you have scored the entire length of the cut, lower the blade completely and push back against the fence. That way your blade teeth are cutting into the core of the wood, not exiting. Make sure the initial cut is shallow and slow so the blade does not catch and run towards you.
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