I love the name…It describes this clamp pad perfectly! I use shop-made 1/4″ thick mdf clamp pads to protect my work when I’m clamping. My clamp pads are easy to position on clamps across short distances, but impossible to set across distances that are greater than my reach. My solution was to embed a small rare earth magnet into each of my mdf clamp pads. The magnets hold the pads to the metal clamps securely, so I don’t have to position them. After some experimentation I found that a 3/8″-dia. x 1/8″ thick magnet works best. Drill a 1/8″ deep flat bottom hole and hammer in the magnet.
Rare Earth Magnets #NSN0573
(800) 774-6005

Why do some of your projects and video's read "cannot be downloaded?
Just a side note: Striking magnets with sharp blows actually reduces their magnetization. Has to do with changing the alignment of the domains or somethin'. I use glue for most applications when using magnets. Otherwise a slightly undersized hole for a nice tight press fit usually works.
I was shocked to read the phrase "hammer in the magnet" in the post about the "Magna Pads". Rare earth magnets are very brittle, and the handling instructions included with most of them caution against allowing loose magnets to collide lest they crack or chip and allow loose particles to fly about. Why, then, would anyone want to hit one with a hammer? I realize that in a project of this size, all that is required is a small tap to seat the magnet, but a better method would be to hold the magnet in place with a suitable adhesive, or, better yet, use one of the steel cups available to hold these magnets and which also increases the holding power of the magnet. The following link to is obtained from the source information printed under the "Magna Pads article: https://www.magcraft.com/safety-information For a very good source of information about rare earth magnets see: https://www.kjmagnetics.com/FAQ.asp