A Day of Woodworking

Welcome to the A Day in Woodworking event home page! Please bookmark this on your favorite browser for easy access going forward. You can grab your instructor handouts here for note-taking while we are LIVE. Below you will find the event schedule with the correlating video and chatbox. You can find the WWGOA Encore classes at the bottom of the page. Scroll through now to get familiar with the page. We are so incredibly excited to learn with you all.

Monetize Your Woodworking with Ethan Abramson

LIVE AT 9:00am CST

From making extra money with your wood scraps, to opening the doors of your own furniture company, this session is going to give you an overview of ways to monetize your woodworking skills. Covering topics like where to sell your work, how to make your products stand out, what your social media should look like, and much more – this session will give you a roadmap to turn your passion into a paycheck.

Routers in Review – Tips and Techniques with Jim Heavey

LIVE AT 10:30am CST

Become comfortable using both a handheld and table mounted router safely. Discover router techniques and learn more about bit selection that will help you achieve beautiful results in your craft. Identify and learn to spot common routing problems, how to avoid them and quick fixes when they happen. You will discover why this is a favorite tool by true craftspeople.

Ask the Experts Panel Discussion

LIVE AT 12:00pm CST

Looking for how-to advice or best practices in the shop? Now’s your chance! Our panel of experts are ready to answer your questions about everything woodworking! Discover how these talented artisans followed their passion, become inspired, and how they continue to hone their skills.

Tips, Tricks and Secrets of Finishing with Elisha Albretsen

LIVE AT 1:00pm CST

A professional looking finish can make or break your project. In this generous overview of wood finishing techniques, you will learn what products to use and when, how to make inexpensive materials look amazing, and tricks to help camouflage your mistakes.

Table Saw + Dado Head = Lots of Joints with George Vondriska

LIVE AT 2:30pm CST

Add a dado head to your table saw and you can create MANY joints. In this session you will learn how to set up your dado head and table saw for dadoes and rabbets, which are great for boxes and cabinet cases, half lap and rabbeted half lap joints, which create rock solid frames and cross-halving joints, the perfect joint for egg-crate style drawer dividers or shadow boxes. This session will increase your joinery repertoire and help you use your dado head safely and accurately.

Encore Classes

Advanced Hand-Held Router Techniques

Finishing Essentials

Advanced Table Saw Techniques

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

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3 Responses to “A Day of Woodworking”

  1. Dan Swanson

    Before the workshop started my least amount of interest was the finishing with Elisha but after watching I got so much out of it, it was my favorite work shop. I love how she was very specific. My least favorite was Ethan mainly because he was not specific with much at all, I'm sorry Ethan. Loved both Jim and you too George. Thank you to all.

  2. James Adams

    Please remind how to get the handouts from today. Thank you.

  3. James Adams

    Could not follow George for the last 20 minutes because of an audio echo: he's talking over himself. I hope when I play him again the echo's gone.