David Munkittrick

Sanding Techniques: Know Your True Grit

David Munkittrick
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Duration:   1  mins

Did you remember to bring your sanding equipment? You’re going to need if for this week’s sanding techniques. Dave Munkittrick teaches you a simple memory trick that he likes to use when he is sanding his woodworking projects. Rather than leaving a project overnight, coming back to it in the morning and guessing which grit he was using, Dave writes the grit directly on the part of the piece that he’s sanding.

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2 Responses to “Sanding Techniques: Know Your True Grit”

  1. Jon

    Why do we sand? What is the purpose of it. Sorry I missed that.

  2. Joseph J Tripodi

    I always mark mine with the NEXT grit. That way I will have a clean panel when I sand with my final grit.

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